
2000W 40KHz Sodium Ion Battery Ultrasonic Spot Welder Electrode Metal Foils Tab Welding Machine

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2000W 40KHz Sodium Ion Battery Ultrasonic Spot Welder Electrode Metal Foils Tab Welding Machine


Ultrasonic spot welding machine is an advanced high-tech equipment that converts high-frequency electric energy into a mechanical vibration energy through a transducer and acts on the bases material, to generate high-frequency friction between the surfaces of the two work-pieces until the surfaces of the two bases material are heated and welded together. It can perform spot-like and strip-shaped soldering on thin materials such as copper, silver, chrome, nickel and other conductive metals. It can be widely used in lead wire of silicon controlled chip leads, fast-fuse holders, electrical lead terminals, lithium ion, nickel p oint-like, strip-shaped soldering of poles such as hydrogen and nickel-cadmium batteries.

The welding process of an ultrasonic spot welder is a mechanical process in which no current flows through the material and no melting occurs. Moreover, the same or the different alloy materials can achieve the ideal welding, the electrical and the thermal properties are not achieved by other processes. Compared with fusion welding, ultrasonic welding has low electrical consumption, long life and low laborintensity.

Main Specifications

ultrasonic welder

Main components

Controller, ultrasonic horn, transducer, welding head, pneumatic mechanism and fixture.


ultrasonic welder

①Mode (With automatic, mode adjustment two modes)

Adjust the automatic mode when working, and adjust the mode when changing the mold.


The actual current amount per work, reflecting the power of the machine, this item is not adjustable.


The frequency of automatic tracking of the machine at each work ensures the stability of the machine. This item cannot adjusted.


Counting effect, the number is increased by 1 for each work

⑤Sweep Frequency

For the frequency calibration between the generator and the welding head, the vibrator, press the sweep button when replacing the welding head, the generator will automatically match with the vibrator and the frequency of the welding head



For mold



Press automatic when welding the material, the machine starts running


It refers to the time between the welding head descending to the sound wave, during which the sound generator does not emit ultrasound. This project can be adjusted according to the actual welding material.


The generator emits the sonic time, this item can be adjusted according to the actual work.


The time when the welding head stays on the welding material after the completion of acoustic wave, this item can be adjusted.

⑪Vibration drop

The generator's secondary sounding time, to prevent the welding material from sticking to the welding head, this item can be adjusted according to the actual work.


Adjust the power of the machine, this project can be adjusted according to the actual work settings

⑬ Reset

Remove overload by reset when machine overloads. Light touch reset button to trigger alarm.

⑭Zero(Clear capacity count)

Clear capacity by touching the zero-clearing button

⑮Sonic test

Test whether the sounder is pronounced, current, frequency is normal.Touch the sound wave test button to test the sound wave

pouch cell machines

ultrasonic spot welder

ultrasonic welder

ultrasonic welder


 battery equipment

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